Membership Period: September to August

    New MemberRenewal (specify only changes if any)

    Do you work/foresee working here?


    **As a legally registered Dominican NGO, we are required to provide certain information to the Dominican authorities regarding our members, namely their names, addresses, marital status and passport numbers. All other information is being collected for internal IWC purposes.




    Do you have children living with you in Santo Domingo?

    *A large number of members have children living with them in Santo Domingo.  Therefore, this data will help us organizing appropriate kid’s activities. This information is confidential and will only be used internally to improve our club activities. 




    When could you participate in our events : (several answers are possible)
    MorningLunch timeAfternoonEveningWeekends

    Any feedback and ideas that would enhance our activities are very welcome!




    Joining our Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp groups (WhatsApp is our main way of communication)

    Summary of the rules and regulations of our WhatsApp chat : Respect its purpose, avoid sharing false information, be courteous, avoid unnecessary debates, avoid one-on-one conversations (you will find the details on our website)

    Upon joining, you will be automatically be added to our Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp groups in order to stay up to date with special announcements and activities.  Please opt out if you would NOT wish to be added.

    Don’t add me to the IWC Santo Domingo Facebook groupI don’t have a Facebook accountDon’t add me to the IWC Santo Domingo InstagramI don’t have an Instagram accountDon’t add me to the IWC Santo Domingo WhatsApp (IWC Info) groupI don’t have a WhatsApp account




    By filling out this form I understand that:

    Thank you for your information. We will contact you soon!